September 2018
Helping women with HIV and Aids and other disadvantaged women find new hope in Jesus Christ
Dear Evangeline Friends:
When I visited Cape Town in March 2005 to lead a Communications workshop, without any warning, my life was changed! Sitting in a worship service for women suffering from HIV and AIDS, God’s compassion for them filled my heart and soul. Where I had little interest before, now, I had to follow God’s call to show His compassion to women who at that time, could expect so little of it from their families, bosses or their communities. It was out of this compassion that Evangeline Ministries was born! Everyone involved in Evangeline has this same godly compassion.
Thirteen years later, with your help, Evangeline continues to show the love and compassion of Jesus to women who face incredibly difficult lives as we teach them Sewing, Computer and English Skills and Life’s lessons from the Bible.
December 2015 Cape Town, South Africa
To God Be the Glory, Great things He has done!
Dear Evangeline Friends:
The marvels of this incredible year, 2015, have left me at a loss for words!
On Saturday December 12th, my alma mater, Eastern University St Davids PA, awarded me an
honorary doctorate (Doctor of Humane Letters). Robert.G. Duffett, President of Eastern
University described “Wendy as a passionate and dedicated worker who has devoted the last 35
years of her life to work as a journalist, speaker and servant in the church.”
It was a wonderful event attended by my family and dear friends and an honor, so unexpected
but such a joy to receive.
Graduation Day July 7,2018
On Saturday July 7, it was with delight that Evangeline Ministries awarded Bibles, Certificates and new Sewing Machines to nineteen (19) remarkable women who had successfully completed our six-month Life skills program. Faced with the unrelenting challenge of poverty and its consequences, the students battle ill health, hunger, township crime, unemployment and a lack of self-esteem. It was quite an achievement for nineteen out of the twenty-four who started in January, to have completed this course.
The unfolding of your words gives light. (Psalm 119:130 NIV)
We learned however, that completing the course is more than sewing, English and computer success. As students learn lessons for life from the Bible, the Scripture does what is promises to do to anyone who reads and listens, it brings light into the darkness of our lives.
Easter 2018
EASTER 2018 Cape Town, South Africa Dear Evangeline Ministries Friends: Blessed and wonderful Easter greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! One of my favorite Easter Scripture verses is found in John 20: 17 where Jesus tells Mary: “Go to my brothers and tell them, I ascend to my Father and your Father, my God and your God.”
(The Message) Yes, Easter is about the new relationship we have with God in and through Christ Jesus who offers hope to all who trust in him. One of most precious tasks we have in Evangeline Ministries is to offer that hope of new life in Christ to people who so often have no hope.
February 2018
Dear Evangeline Friends:
Warm greetings to each of you from sunny and always beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. While the severe water crisis in Cape Town is world-wide news, at Evangeline Ministries we can report the good news that the first 2018 class is well underway with a capacity of twenty-four students who are doing very well. It is always a joy for us to welcome them, filled as they are with hopes and dreams for their future. They are enjoying their sewing, computer, English and Bible classes and the free lunch we serve.
Easter 2017
Cape Town,
South Africa, April 2017
“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow” (Bill and Gloria Gaither)
Dear Evangeline Friends:
Easter, one of my favorite times of Christian celebration comes just at the beginning of autumn in Cape Town but it feels and looks like Spring! The suffering of Jesus Christ on the Cross for me and for the whole world never fails to move my heart at its deepest level…
November 2017
November 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Dear Evangeline Friends:
This is a very special and precious time of the year as we pause to give thanks to God and
to each other!
In just about two weeks the July-December 2017 class will graduate. Twenty four women and men will celebrate a journey of learning, made possible by the grace and…
July 2017
July 2017
Cape Town, South Africa
Dear Evangeline Ministries
An Evangeline Ministries
Graduation is truly a celebration of beauty!
Our Graduation, held on Saturday, July 2, 2017, was no exception! Eighteen students received their certificates and sewing machines after successfully completing their…
March 2016
Evangeline Ministries
March 2016
Cape Town, South Africa.
Dear Evangeline Ministries Friends:
Easter Greetings to you from Cape Town, South Africa!
For those of you in the North, Easter comes at springtime!
Hopefully, winter is on her last farewell and budding flowers echo
the new life, hope, and joy we feel at Easter. For us in the South,
our glorious summer is already giving us cold autumn and winter
signals. However, as I drove into our Chasma campus this week…
July 2015
High hopes! High fashion July 2015 Graduation class
Dear Evangeline Friends:
My heart overflows with joy and gratitude. “How can I say thanks for the things God has done for us” On
Saturday, July 18, we graduated 18 students so beautifully dressed and brimming with confidence in their
futures. Our program host aptly described it as a day of “high fashion and high hopes.” Graduation is always a
fun day as the students model the clothes…
April 2015
April 2015 Cape Town, South Africa
Dear Evangeline Friends:
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow
citizens with the saints and are of God’s household.” (Ephesians
It is with joy that I greet you from Cape Town, South Africa, with
the hope and promise of Easter through our resurrected Savior,
still filling my heart! As your winter turns its face now to spring….