August 2015, Cape Town South Africa
High hopes! High fashion July 2015 Graduation class
Dear Evangeline Friends:
My heart overflows with joy and gratitude. “How can I say thanks for the things God has done for us” On
Saturday July 18, we graduated 18 students so beautifully dressed and brimming with confidence in their
futures. Our program host aptly described it as a day of “high fashion and high hopes.” Graduation is always a fun day as the students model the clothes they have designed and made-a sign that they learned and completed what they started. With their sewing machines, they can now earn or supplement small incomes to help themselves and their families.
While many of our students find jobs in nearby retail stores and groceries, almost all use their sewing skills because it is the traditional dress that is used for weddings, funerals, Easter, Christmas and other celebrations and these are not sold in the stores. Indeed we sent them off with high hopes and especially as they ask God to guide and lead their lives. During the six months they are with us, we claim John 10: 10 as our verse where Jesus says: “I am come that you might have life and have it to the full!” It is true that they face huge challenges, but we pray that they understand that they can meet those challenges if they work hard and have faith and also help others along the way!
July-December 2015 Evangeline Class
With scarcely time to breathe, we welcomed 26 new students, on Wednesday August 22. They come to us with the same high hopes! Already they are hard at work learning life’s lessons from the Bible and getting newcomputer, English and sewing skills. These new students are so excited and so are we!
This number is more than usual, but the need is so great! More students meant more computers. We also need to replace our projector which died just around graduation time. We praise God that through promised donors at home in the United States and here in Cape Town, God has provided for the new computers and new projector we need. Yes it is only through His great goodness seen through each one of you who help us that we continue to serve these disadvantaged women and men in Masiphumelele who desperately need our help and the hope we bring in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you, thank you and May God bless you in every way as you continue to support us.Wendy
Wendy Ryan
Evangeline Ministries: 5501 Merchants View Sq#277,
Haymarket VA 20169; [email protected]; Wendy Ryan,
25 Highgate, Pass Rd, Fish Hoek,7975, South Africa.